Established 1997
Maintaining Harmony
Creating Legacies
Pacific Hawk Group specialises in managing sensitive and complex family financial issues.

We create and maintain generational long-term relationships with clients by offering bespoke investment and wealth protection solutions, including global asset management, investment advisory, succession planning, family/business mediation and collaboration, and nuptial agreement services.

Pacific Hawk Global Fund OFC is the first open-ended fund company in Asia we launched and manage. It seeks to deliver risk-adjusted return and be an “all-weather” long-term investment solution for professional investors.
First Open-Ended Fund Company in Asia

Global Actively Managed Fund  

Long-term Investment Solution
HK SFC Licensed Asset Manager & Financial Advisor

Succession Planning

Tokenized Real Estate

HK Insurance Authority Licensed Insurance Broker
Mediation & Collaborative Practice

Specialising in Family Mediation & Family Business Mediation

Family Agreements

Special Projects
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